Supply Chain Management (B.B.A.)
The undergraduate academic program leads to the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration with a major in Supply Chain Management (SCM). The Supply Chain Management discipline teaches students about the identification, acquisition, access, positioning, management of resources and related capabilities a company needs or potentially needs in the attainment of its strategic objectives.
IMPORTANT: *A grade of “C” or better must be earned in each of the two required math courses in order to fulfill the math requirement and in order to enroll in each and every school of business junior-level and senior-level course. Only 3 credit hours will be awarded for each required math course.
Type: B.B.A.
*General Electives (Courses level 000 to 299)
**Composition or Writing Course (Courses under subject code ENGW)
***SCHM Elective (Options: Courses under subject code SCHM)
****Non-Business Elective (Courses level 000 to 299)