

PSYC 001 : Foundations of Psyc Science

Foundations of Psychological Sciences. Explores the application of scientific methods to the study of behavior and mental activity. Examines classic studies of brain and behavior relationships, behavioral genetics, sensation and perception, learning and memory, thinking, emotions, and social behavior. Studies how scientific investigations are designed to contribute to our knowledge in each area. Promotes the understanding of the steps taken within a variety of branches of psychology to identify the causes, consequences and the correlates of behavior. Prereq: None





PSYC 002 : Research Design & Analysis

Research Design and Analysis. Provides an introduction to the research process, research design, and analytic methods. Explores both quantitative and qualitative research designs and analytic techniques that are common in psychological science. Engages in critical thinking and discussions of approaches to conducting research. Promotes skills for identifying and describing the appropriate research designs for variety of psychological questions, the capcity to summarize key features common to research designs used within psychological science. Prereq: 001  




Foundations of Psyc Science

PSYC 003 : Statistics I (Lec/Lab)

Statistics 1. Provides an introduction to the application of quantitative methods ro psychological research. Introduces desriptive and inferential statistical concepts, hypothesis testing and the use of statistics for testing correlational relationships and differences between sample means. Understand and practice the use of open-source statistical packages to examine the central tendencies of variables, mean differences in simple factorial designs and bivariate correlations and simple regression statistics, Prereq:- Psyc 001, 002 




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 004 : Statistics II (Lec/Lab)

Statistics II. Continues the examination of quantitative methods in psychology intitated in PSYC 003. Explores the use of confidence intervals, statistical applications to research designs with more than one factor, statistical power, multiple regression analyses, and nonparametric tests. Lectures and laboratory. Apply open-sourse statistical programs to the analysis of increasingly complex sets of data. Understand when paritcular statistical techniques should be used and what assumptions must be met when these techniques are used. Prereq. Psych 001,002,003.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis, Stats I

PSYC 011 : Capstone Senior Seminar

Capstone Senior Seminar. Provides a synthesis of the information amassed throughout the undergraduate experience with major courses. Builds on the knowledge and experience gained as a psychology major and discusses current readings readings on selected topics. Explores the educational and career options available upon graduation, as well as strategies that will help in attain future goals. Prereq. Senior Status Psyc: 001, 002




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis, Stats I, 4 Core Content Domain Courses

PSYC 012 : Seminar in Current Topics

Seminar in Current Topics. Rotate current research and applied content in psychology each semester. Coverage and content area is determined by individual instructors. Prereq: 050 or 001, 002,




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 013 : Adv Sem in Quantitative Psych

Advanced Seminar in Quantitative Research Methods. Explores advanced statistical research concepts, methodological approaches, and analysis techniques. Overviews topics including the designing of quantitative research studies, posing psychological questions, analyzing quantitative psychological data, and writing research reports.Understands key features of complex quantitative research data collection approaches and analyses techniques, and gainsan understanding of internal, external, construct, and statistical conclusion validity.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis, Stats I, Stats II

PSYC 014 : Adv Sem. in Qualitative Method

Advanced Seminar in Qualitative Research Methods. Explores advanced concepts, debates, and methodological approaches in qualitative inquiry in psychology. Engage in designing qualitative research studies to answer psychological questions, analyzing qualitative psychological data, and writing research reports. Understanding of key features of complex qualitative research data collection approaches and analyses techniques.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis, Stats I, Stats II

PSYC 016 : Psychology New Student Orientation

This introductory course provides a broad overview of the field of psychology and exposes students to the multi-faceted components of psychology as a science through course readings, experiential exercises and assessment assignments.  Students will become familiar with research, practice and application areas of psychology, which will serve as a foundation for successfully executing intermediate and advanced courses comprising the psychology major.




Prereq: 001, 002, 003, 004 

PSYC 020 : Abnormal Psychology

Abnormal Psychology. This course provides an examination of the various psychological disorders, as well as theoretical, clinical, and experimental perspectives of the study of psychopathology. Emphasis is placed on terminology, classification, etiology, assessment, and treatment of the major disorders. We also offer a writing-intensive version of this course.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 021 : Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive Psychology. Provids an overview of research on information processng and the applications findings to daily activities. Examines how findings relate to human perception, attention, memory, language, reasoning, decision- making, and problem solving. Master the ability to critically evaluate cognitive psychology research and identify the broader social implications of findings in studies of human information processing Prereq. Psyc 001, 002.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 022 : Developmental Psychology

Developmental Psychology. Explores facets of basic and more complex psychological processes throughout the lifespan. Focuses on how these processes change with age and how psychological. social, and biological process interact to produce these changes. Studies physical, cognitive, social and emotional and psychological development from the prenatal period to old age. Prereq 001, 002.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 023 : Neuropsychology

Neuropsychology. Provides a fundamental understanding of concepts in physilogical psycholgical research. Critically examines the clinical and experimental approaches used to study of human brain-behavior relations. Surveys the research terrain related to understanding of the brain's structural and functional organization. Examines paradigms that are organized around the idea that brain functions are influenced by a host of sociocultural, biological, psychological and spiritual factors. Emphasizes diversity topics (e.g., gender, race/ethnicity, religion, social, age) and brain health in the context of these biopsychosocial and spiritual factor Prereq. 001, 002




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 024 : Personality Psychology

Personality Psychology. Examines the art and science of understanding human nature and individuals differences in human expression. Focuses on personality traits, characteristic adaptations (e.g. movies, goals, values), and narrative identity (i.e. integrative life narratives).




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 025 : Social Psychology

Social Psychology. Surveys of how the social world influences our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Examines theories, experimental evidence and real world examples to explain everything from love to aggression, criminal law to marketing and persuasion, as well as prejudice and discrimination. Prereq. 001, 002.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 030 : Psychology of the Black Exp

Psychology of the Black Experience. Examines the experience of blacks in American from the psychological point of view, historical, clinical, and laboratory sources are reviewed.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Intro to Psychology

PSYC 031 : Cross Cultural Psyc.

Cross cultural Psychology. Explores culture-related variations in behavior: culture and cognition, perception and personality. Considers cross-cultural methods and measurement problems.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 032 : Psychology of Gender

Psychology of Gender. Builds on intersectionality of gender, race, and sexuality. Understands how factors and forces further influenced by written and largely unwritten social policies in the larger social context and the individual's social ecologic context. Explores and analyzes the role of biology, historical legacies, racialized institutions and equity impact and influence gender development and expression. Prereq 050 or 001, 002




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 034 : Intro to Clinical Psychology

Introduction to Clinical Psychology. Gives students a broad overview of the application of psychological knowledge to the assessment and treatment of psychological disorders. Explores the practice of clinical psychology and selected guiding theories, undergraduate/graduate educational requirements, postdoctoral training, licensure, job opportunities for clinical psychologist and continuing educational development. Explores the history and development of clinical psychology, clinical assessment, including the clinical interview and psychological testing, clinical interventions, theories of psychotherapy and evidence-based practice.Emphasizes topics related to working with culturally diverse groups. Prereq 001, 002.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 035 : Health Psychology

Health Psychology. Explores the study of the psychological, biological, and social processes that influence health, illness, and healthcare. Understand models that specify the psychological, biological, cultural, and behavioral processes that contribute to physical health, illness and overall wellbeing. Prereq. 001, 002.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 036 : Learning and Memory

Learning and Memory. Surveys findings, theories, and and controversial issues issues related to human learning. Ecpores classical and modern theories of memory and learning prinicples. Prereq 001, 002.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 038 : Psychology of Media

Psychology of Media. Focuses on how aesthetic and creative messages impact values, motivations, cognitions, attitudes, self psychology and behavior. Navigates along two tracks: the first track explores how electronic and social media shape education, the news, our political system, and advertising, the second track understands how the psychology of film, in particular, changes emotions, attitudes, and behaviors in the viewer Prereq. 001 or 050.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 040 : Practicum-Introduction to Mindfulness

This course provides an introduction to mindfulness practices, emphasizing the cultivation of awareness, presence, and emotional well-being. Students will explore the history and scientific research around mindfulness. The techniques they learn will help them to reduce the impacts of stress, enhance their overall mental clarity, build stronger relationships and advocate for the wellness of themselves and the community.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 042 : Independent Research Study

Independent Research. Supervised and mentored research activities involving the development, excecution, or analysis of data from a research project. Prereq. 001, 002 and consent of instructor.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 043 : Independent Research Study

Independent Research. Provides direct experience and individual supervision in ongoing psychological research. Prereq. 001, 002 and consent of instructor.


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Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 045 : Internship

Internship. Provides course credit for an internship experience. Approval of internship is required before the student can register for the course. Requires students to contact the Psychology Department Internship Coordinator for approval before the semester they plan to register. Prereq. 001, 002.


1 - 3


Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 049 : Introduction to Mindfulness

New-This course provides an introduction to mindfulness practices, emphasizing the cultivation of awareness, presence, and emotional well-being. Students will explore the history and scientific research around mindfulness. The techniques they learn will help them to reduce the impacts of stress, enhance their overall mental clarity, build stronger relationships and advocate for the wellness of themselves and the community.



PSYC 050 : Intro to Psychology

Introduction to Psychology. Introduces basic concepts and topics in psychology: including learning, perception, motivation, personality, abnormal behavior, social interactions, and developmental processes. Surveys an array of topics and is intendent for students who do not tend to major or minor in psychology. Prereq. None.



PSYC 084 : Sophomore Honors

Sophomore Honors. Open to sophomore Psychology Majors in the COAS Honors Program who are working with a Faculty Mentor to develop proposals for their Honors Theses. In Sophomore Honors, the student works with the mentor to develop the research question and define the study. Prereq: 001, 002




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 085 : Sophomore Honors

Sophomore Honors. Open to sophomore Psychology Majors in the COAS Honors Program who are working with a Faculty Mentor to develop proposals for their Honors Theses. In Sophomore Honors, the student works with the mentor to develop the research question and define the study. Prereq: 001, 002




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 088 : Junior Honors

Junior Honors. Open to junior Psychology Majors in the COAS Honors Program who are working with a Faculty Mentor to develop proposals for their Honors Theses. In Junior Honors, the student's research project is well-defined in advance of completing the theses. Prereq 001, 002




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 089 : Junior Honors

Junior Honors. Open to junior Psychology Majors in the COAS Honors Program who are working with a Faculty Mentor to develop proposals for their Honors Theses. In Junior Honors, the student's research project is well-defined in advance of completing the theses. Prereq 001, 002




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 092 : Senior Honors

Senior Honors. Entails work with a Faculty Mentor to finalize the Senior Honors Thesis, which is due Spring semester in order for the student to graduate with COAS Honors.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 093 : Senior Honors

Senior Honors. Entails work with a Faculty Mentor to finalize the Senior Honors Thesis, which is due Spring semester in order for the student to graduate with COAS Honors.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis, 4 Core Content Domain Courses

PSYC 716 : Abnormal Psychology-WRTG

Abnormal Psychology. Identifies, understands, and studies treament strategies for psychological disorders. Explores psychological disorders from a variety of theoretical frameworks including psychological, biological, and sociocultural perspectives. Reviews historical perspectives, current diagnostic approaches, and classification systems. Discusses specific disorders including mood and anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, substance-related disorders, and eating disorders. Writing Version: Ads to the discussion of course topics, weekly engagement in psychological writing exercises using the appropriate writing guidelines set forth by the American Psychological Association. Course writing activities will also include reflections and a psychological paper focusing on current empirical studies that examine underlying factors as well as on empirically based treatments




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 723 : Personality Psychology-WRTG

Personality Psychology. Examines the art and science of understanding human nature and individuals differences in human expression. Focuses on personality traits, characteristic adaptations (e.g. movies, goals, values), and narrative identity (i.e. integrative life narratives). Writing Version: Provides students with an introduction to Personality Psychology and enhances professional development with respect to critical thinking, writing, and project management. Exposes students to experimental learning, selfdirected learning, collaborative learning, distance learning, project based learning, and didactic learning. Comprehend and apply personality core concepts, person centered analyses, and personality assessments to conduct and compose a personality psychobiographical case study within the personological tradition in the field of personality psychology. Prereq. 001,002,003.




Foundations of Psyc Science, Reseach Design & Analysis

PSYC 890 : Study Abroad

Study Abroad. Experiences vary by department, topic, semester, and locale.


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Department Approval